Sweet Greetings Folks
It’s that time of year again. The days are getting brighter and warmer. The sap has run a couple of times so far.

Once in January and again last weekend. The weather is yo-yo-ing and we’re debating when the best time to tap our 300 trees will be. Mike has been out clearing the lines of debris from the major ice and wind storm back in early January, and there are a few other chores to complete before we tap as well. We don’t want to tap too early because dealing with a water pump in frigid weather does not usually go so well. So, we wait. It will be soon and when we do start that process we’ll be sure to post again.
On that note. I wanted to put out an official apology for seriously neglecting the blog. While we are happy to have this outlet, sometimes (well a lot of times) other things take priority. So – Sorry!! I am hoping to get some baking in and to take some pictures of some lovely creations that can be made from our syrup and adding to our recipe section. It’s on the list! Along with many other things, haha!
Anyway, we are looking forward to the seasons ahead, with an eye as well on the gardening and market season too. Here’s to warmer weather and sweet sunny days before the bugs arrive! Stay tuned!