Syrup Season 2021 Update: It’s over!
Hello folks, well like the many syrup seasons that have come before this one was a whirlwind. We tapped in early March and just finished up right before Easter Weekend.

Since then we’ve been cleaning and upgrading some things in our sugar shack, and generally just relaxing a bit.
This year we had a great run and were able to get out 11 batches of the good stuff. We also bottled up some Birple and have tapped a few Birch trees to make some Birch Water for the market this summer. We’ll see how it goes because while the sap is running in the Birch, the sugar content is really low so far. Like .2%, when it is normally about 1%. So, maybe it will increase as the flow does, but if not we may just make some water for personal use and delve into the Birch world next season instead.
As for availability, we made a lot of 1 Litres this season and we still have a supply of 500ml and 250ml from our 2020 season. All of which we will be selling at the Farmers Market in Hilton Beach this summer. Additional locations for our syrup will depend on the lockdown and pandemic situation, but we are hoping to restock at Fannie’s on the Island when possible. Otherwise, send us a message and we can deliver within the Sault Ste Marie area/ arrange for contactless pick up. We also have a supply in Southern Ontario, so if you are in the GTA and are wanting some of the syrupy goodness, again just get in touch and we’ll get ya sorted. We also will mail out to pretty much anywhere in the world, so again drop us a line and we’ll see what we can do for you!
Thanks so much for all the continued support through these tough times. Mike and I appreciate it immensely. We are so lucky to do what we do, and are very happy to share our syrup with the world. 🙂
I will be back to update about the gardens and the market in the not so distant future. So, stay tuned!
In the meantime, stay safe and keep well.