Summer Coming to a Close
Hello Hello!
I find it interesting how time passes. Some days feel like time is standing still, and the next thing you know several months have gone by. It’s all about perspective I suppose. We’ve been busy this year. Working full time, doing the market this summer, building our house and filling our free time making memories with our family and friends. That is what it’s all about after all – and as a result the blog gets neglected until I find some time to put a post together. And, here we are.

We want to thank all of our customers, new and old, for your support over this past market season. This was our best market year yet and we look forward to the next. We noticed that Mike’s pickles were a big seller this year and that is awesome! They are delicious and we’re glad they are being enjoyed. It’s not likely that we’ll have as many to sell next season as Mike hasn’t figured out a way to clone himself yet.
Another new project we got into this year was wood work with our pal Ben at Falcons Woodwork out of Sault Ste. Marie. We have a lot of wood laying around from all the various stressors the forests of Canada are experiencing these days. Instead of cutting it up and burning it, we are milling it and sending it over to Ben to work his magic and create beautiful works of functional art. There will likely be more of that next year at our table with custom wood burned labels.
Honey is another thing on our radar but time will tell as to whether that happens next year or the year after. Updates on that in the spring for sure.
Finally, this year we will have our products available at the Country Roads Open House Tour which takes place the last weekend of September on St. Joseph Island. This year our dear friend Kris at Salamander Ridge Farm on the C Line will have our products for sale. Stop in and get some of her delicious scones, and farm produce as well as some syrup! Here’s a link to the website for that:
I don’t anticipate any further updates until next year before syrup season. If you are interested in purchasing anything from us, shoot us an email and we can arrange something that way.
Enjoy the transition of the seasons!