At the Farm
Well, the old addage may need an update. April was dismal (with some lovely days) and May was not any better, though we did get our flowers. It seems for every nice day we get about 6 rain days. For the past three weeks we’ve had an inch of rain or more fall each week! That is a lot of water. We’ve been lucky to avoid major flooding that other parts of the province have been experiencing, but our garden definitely has more puddles than we would like.
In spite of the rain we’ve gotten a few things in the ground. Lettuce, Spinach and some Swiss Chard. We’re hopefully going to have more then a few days of dry weather to get the rest of what we have in the ground. The plans include many-a-tomato, peppers, kale, beets, carrots, melons, beans, peas and a couple of fruit trees.
We are planning to return to the Hilton Beach Farmers Market in June and will be selling our syrup, soap and veggies. More on that in the coming weeks.
Until then let’s hope for sun and warmth!