House Build 2022-2026
As some of you may be aware, Mike and I are in the process of building a house at our farm lot (two lots over from the sugar bush). This project began a couple of years ago and has taken up a lot of our spare time. We are happy to report that the building of the foundation has begun and hopefully next spring we will finish putting up the shell of the building. Over the following winter and spring we will be working on the inside so that we can move in completely by the end of 2026.

There’s a lot involved in building a house. Deciding if contractors need to be involved, when, who and if the weather will cooperate. Thus far we’ve had help from a small but awesome crew. Although there has been set backs and hard choices, we’re on track to have the foundation done before winter. Hopefully the ground will all settle well and come spring once the half load restrictions are lifted it’ll be time to get ‘er done.
As a result of this endeavor the garden has been sorely neglected. Though I’ve been planning big things for the garden space, and the first step will be to try and get the fence fixed this winter which will significantly help our deer and/or moose problem.
Exciting times ahead! I’ll keep you posted as we continue on this journey. Syrup season 2025 is less then 4 months away too!!
Happy Fall/Winter folks!