February 10, 2025 • Farm

February UPDATE!

Hello folks,

It’s pretty wild that at this time last year we had buckets up collecting the early sap flow and we had already done our first boil. This year our winter is much more… wintery; cold and snowy. Mike and I are checking the weather forecast daily to get a handle on when things will shift gears. As of today, the next couple of weeks are going to be pretty cold and snowy. If I had to guess when we’ll start up this year, I’d say late March/early April – but of course time will tell.

Mike has been diligently working on the camp, insulating and putting cedar siding on as well as replacing the old windows. Once syrup is done this year we begin the house build proper, and I’ll do an update on how that’s going once we start making some progress. I don’t think we’ll do much of a garden again this year, but I have been studying no-till and permaculture methods and planning out designs for our future garden.

We’ve got a couple of trail cameras up in the bush and I finally got around to posting on our Instagram account some of the critters we share the forest with. Last year we got a good variety of pictures including some of deer, sandhill cranes, turkeys, raccoons, a rabbit, coyote and a bobcat. Ones not pictured but seen include: bears, wolves, pileated woodpecker, ruffed grouse, mice, voles, chipmunks, squirrels, weasels, and a great variety of song birds in the spring to name a few. This year in addition to monitoring the wildlife, I plan to do a documentation of the mother trees on our sugar bush lot. Stay tuned!

We have a fair amount of 1L’s of syrup left from last year (it was our most productive year). Give us a call, or email us and we’ll happily fill your orders before the season starts!

Until we begin,


2 Deer running at a farm

Quality over Quantity at Garside Gardens.