Contest Giveaway Update
Contest Status:
Hello syrup fans,
We regret to inform everyone that our Facebook page is gone. After noticing very suspicious activity we decided to shut ‘er down. As a result we had to shut our contest down early and pick a winner.
Congrats to Rhonna Bomhof of St.Joseph Island!! Enjoy the good stuff!
Anyway, Mike and I are going to decide what to do about our Facebook page. It really is unfortunate, but we may set it aside for good and rely on good old fashioned word of mouth (and the webpage of course).
In the meantime we want to thank those who have continued supporting what we do over the years. We couldn’t do it without you.
Syrup status:
So far this season we’ve done 5 batches of Maple Syrup and two batches of Maple Water. It’s looking like we’ll be all done maple by the end of the weekend depending on how the next few days go.
After we’re done with maple we will tap into Birch and depending on the run will aim to do a couple of batches of Birch water, and bottle a run of Birple syrup.
That’s it for now!